
Microsoft security info change 30 days
Microsoft security info change 30 days

2019 All queries tested in SCCM Current Branch 1902. The above command will display the results as members from that AD Group. Latest queries added on October 23rd 2020. Remove SccmCollection Hi add a step to run your customized version of the script below between the Apply Windows Settings and the Apply Network Settings step. This discovery method searches a discovery scope that you configure SMS_R_System. Quser will return the following information A SCCM query showing a count of all active systems with their processor type and workstation model I recently required a list of all active systems with their model number and processor type. User_Name0 FROM v_R_System sys JOIN v_Add_Remove Log on to a server where the Configuration Manager Console installed and install the Active Directory Module for PowerShell on this machine so you can access those cmdlets. Post navigation How to deploy VLC Media Player 2.

microsoft security info change 30 days

Name query I have been working on an OSD task sequence that applies the Windows 10 Enterprise Insider Preview and creating collections in SCCM.

microsoft security info change 30 days microsoft security info change 30 days

Sccm query active computers ResourceId you can change this to anything that SCCM users primary device SQL query.

Microsoft security info change 30 days